I begin with the name of Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. I praise Him and I seek His generosity and forgiveness. I humbly ask Him to raise the rank of Prophet Muhammad and protect his nation fromwhat he feared for them.

Friday, August 29, 2008


A Wahhaabiyy may put up a defense in this area. Proving that the nation as a whole will always be guided necessitates that any small group who disagrees with the majority of the nation is misguided. Therefore, for a Wahhaabiyy it is imperative to discredit this notion, since they do not deny that they are a small out-numbered group. To do that, he may mention the poor situation of Muslims today, their lack of knowledge and being overwhelmed with sins. This is why we say that their belief will always be correct. They would not agree upon a misguided creed. However, the Prophet foretold about his nation becoming weak and sinful. There are several narrations about this, among them:
من أحيَى سنتي عند فساد أمتي فله أجر شهيد
“Whoever revives my Sunnah upon the corruption of my nation has the reward of a martyr.” This corruption in the nation does not mean that the majority will take a blasphemous creed. A Wahhaabiyy may also produce the verse:
و قليل من عبادي الشكور
<>. We tell them that this is in reference to piety- that few slaves of Allaah refrain from using their endowments sinfully, which is ungratefulness to Allaah. There are other narrations about this issue, so know that they may produce several references. The hadiyths already mentioned are enough to prove them wrong.
The Wahhaabiyys took the name of Ahlu-s-Sunnah for themselves, but if they are a minority, only a couple million strong, how can they still claim the name? It is easy if one merely distorts the meaning of “jamaa3ah”. To fool others, and to consider the millions upon millions upon millions of Muslims as misguided, they say, “the Jamaa3ah can be one person.” This statement is only true when a person is truly following Ahlu-s-Sunnah, which is the majority, but he is secluded and surrounded by misguided people. The case of the Wahhaabiyys does not apply. We seek the Protection of Allaah from such sly deviance.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Know that the Messenger of Allaah (3alayhi-s-Salaam) warned about 72 sects that would deviate from the correct path of the Muslims. That path is the way of Ahlu-s-Sunnah wa-l-Jamaa3ah, Ahlu-s-Sunnah for short. They are referred to in a hadiyth:
فليلزم الجماعة فمن أراد بحبوحة الجنة
“Whoever wishes for the luxuries of Paradise, then let him stick to the Jamaa3ah,” (At-Tirmithiyy). The Prophet (3alayhi-s-Salaam) taught his Companions that 72 out of 73 different sects would deserve Hellfire, and one would deserve Paradise. His Companions asked him about that single group, and he (3alayhi-s-Salaam) told them, “The Jamaa3ah.”
Ahlu-s-Sunnah, the People of the Prophet’s Method, is the group with the largest following. In one hadiyth, the Prophet (3alayhi-s-Salaam) said,
فإذا رأيتم اختلافا فعليكم بالسواد الأعظم
"If you see (unacceptable) differences among you, then adhere to As-Sawaadu-l-A3dham (the vast majority)” (Ibn Maajah). These different narrations of hadiyth comply with each other. There is no contradiction between that single guided group being the Jamaa3ah and being As-Sawaadu-l-A3dham. “Jamaa3ah” means “group”, and must be explained to comply with the other hadiyths, so in this context it means the majority.
In another narration, the Prophet (3alayhi-s-Salaam) named that group:
ما أنا عليه و أصحابي
“(The group which is upon) what my Companions and I are upon.” There is still no conflict in the different descriptions of Ahlu-s-Sunnah. Historically, the majority of Muslims have always had the same belief since the time of the Companions, who never disagreed about the belief between themselves. Never has the majority disagreed about the correct belief, and we challenge anyone to bring the evidence that such a thing ever occurred. Until today, 75% to 80% of the nation has the same belief, and from that we can know that the so-called Salafiyys are deviant people, since they consider most of the Muslims throughout the world as mushrikuwn and bad innovators.

Friday, August 22, 2008


Know that Allaah exists differently from anything else. He alone is without a beginning, because no one created Him. He is the only Creator. He exists everlastingly and does not change. He is perfect. Before creating the creations, He existed without them. He existed before the skies or the 3Arsh existed, and He now exists as He eternally existed, without those creations affecting or changing Him. He is alive without a body or soul, and without needing sustenance. He is knowledgeable without a teacher and does not learn or forget. He possesses the perfect knowledge of everything, and the creations exist only as He knew they would. He has power to bring things from non-existence into existence. He creates without tools and without getting weak or sleepy. He has the eternal and everlasting Will, by which He specified His creations with particular places, directions, shapes, colors, times, changes, movements, stability, hardships, ease, choice, free will, and everything else He eternally willed for His creations. His management is unhindered and uninterrupted. He cannot be distracted because He does not have limbs. He has no partner, wife, parent, son, branch, origin, nor opposite. He does not need anything, not a space to occupy, nor time to bind Him. He is not benefited nor harmed by His creatures. He sees without eyes and hears without ears eternally, without looking into a direction, without needing volume or sound waves, light, time, or space. Nothing is hidden from Him. He speaks with His eternal Kalaam (speech), without it being of a word, letter, sound, nor language. It is not the result of organs touching or air moving, and it does not come from any direction. Allaah does not resemble anything in the universe. He is not composed of atoms, nor does He have their characteristics, such as color, shape, place, motion, stillness, texture, temperature, etc. He is neither inside nor outside, since those are places for bodies. He is not in a particular place, nor is He everywhere. He exists without being in any place. He does not have the attributes of the creations. The creations are not parts or attributes of Allaah. All of His attributes are eternal and everlasting. Since His Self is Eternal, His attributes cannot be created. He is different from whatever is imagined. Let there be no doubt that this is the correct belief in Him, the mighty Lord with the perfect names.


The Salaf (predecessors, forerunners, pioneers) is the first three generations of Muslims, as narrated by At-Tirmithiyy:
خير الناس قرني ثم الذين يلونهم ثم الذين يلونهم
“The best of the people are from my century, then those who come after them, then those who come after them.” They are the Muslims of the first three hundred years. In general, the Muslims of the Salaf are better than those who come after them. We say “in general”, because it is possible to find someone from the khalaf (era after the Salaf) who is better than an individual from the Salaf. It was the time of the four pious, rightly guided caliphs: Abuw Bakr, 3Umar, 3Uthmaan, 3Aliyy. Add to that list Al-Hasan and 3Umar Ibn 3Abdi-l-3Aziyz (may Allaah be pleased with all of them). The schools of fiqh were established, and four remain since then- the followers of the great Salafiyy mujtahids, Abuw Haniyfah, Maalik, Ash-Shaafi3iyy, and Ahmad Ibn Hanbal. The books of hadiyth were compiled during this time. It was the time of the greatest scholars of hadiyth, namely Al-Bukhaariyy, Muslim, At-Tirmithiyy, Abuw Daawuwd, An-Nasaa’iyy and Ibn Maajah. Also during this time, the great scholars of 3aqiydah emerged, Abu-l-Hasan Al-Ash3ariyy and Abuw Mansuwr Al-Maaturiydiyy. The Muslims were regarded as the people of knowledge and piety. Because of the work that the great scholars of the Salaf did, the Muslims after them had a facilitated ease in terms of learning Islaam